Jan 28, 2019
Celentano teaches singing at Civica Scuola di Musica Paolo
Soprani in Castelfidardo, and Zona Musica and Cantieri Musicale in
Ancona, Italy. Isabella sings regularly with the Reunion Jazz
Band among others. She is the vocal maestra for Fabrijazz, a
weeklong summer program for singers and musicians of
Jan 21, 2019
Robin Picard is
currently living in Keene, NH, enjoying the seasons, her
grandchildren and a relatively quiet and uneventful life. As
opposed to traveling through cultures and countries with Medecins
Sans Frontieres (MSF) and the Peace Corps, Robin has been focused
on traveling through life stages and noting the...
Jan 14, 2019
Charles Mitchell
Charles is an experienced artist and teacher who has taught in specialist art colleges and universities in the UK and overseas. He was Dean of the Faculty of the Arts and Humanities at the University of Cumbria before moving to Italy in 2010. Now semi retired, Charles leads painting workshops all over...
Jan 7, 2019
Founder & President of,
FocusCatalyst: Innovation Based On The Neuroscience Of Insight.
Betsy is also the author of the upcoming book, How To Stop A Bad Habit:
Available 2019
Website www.focuscatalsyst.com
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/betsyburroughs